Sunday, September 14, 2008

Homework Piles

So this is just yet another attempt to do anything but homework. Last year I was really good about getting my homework done and what not and I would always try to work ahead and be a complete nerd, but this year I just can't do it. It's bad because I'm have a butt-load of work to do that I don't feel like doing. I'll do almost anything but homework at this point. I made several dozen cookies today because I didn't want to do homework. I'm just so tired of doing something that never ends.

Homework is evil that way. No matter how much you do, there is always more to be done. It just keeps going. You can't work ahead to where you don't have anymore to do, it just keeps on coming. It's not fair. I don't want to do anymore. I just want a break. I have so much. It's even more sad because it's really interesting and all, but I just have no motivation. I love going to class and discussing the stuff we're reading about, I just don't like the actual reading part.

Also, I feel that homework comes in waves. It just seems like one week you have very little homework and then the next week you're drowing in it. It's like all of the professors have a meeting every once in a while and all decide to give a ton of homework the same week. I imagine their conversations going something like this:

Prof 1: "I think I'm going to have a group project due this next week."
Prof 2: "Oh, what an amazing idea! This is a great week to assign things! I have a 10 page paper I've been wanting my students to write. Next week would be a great week for that as well."
Prof 3: "Ha! A paper a group project, that's nothing! I want all of my students to do 30 minute presentations in class that compose half of their grades. I was planning to have that due next week as well."
Prof 1: "Well, I see we have several of the same students in our classes. How wonderful! Next week would be a great week to have them super stressed out. I mean, I just love seeing those sad little puppy dog looks on their faces when I remind them of things that are due when they think about other things are due for other classes. This will be a great experience that will prepare them for the workforce."
Prof 2: (chuckles) "Yes, I know my weeks are always that stressful (sarcastically) But honestly, these students just don't know how easy they have it."
Prof 1: "Do you remember what things were like when we were college students?"
Prof 3: "Things were much worse in those days. I went for 3 full weeks without sleep. Kids these days don't know how good they have it."

And then the Professors go on to discuss terrible college stories where they all try to tell the worst story. I mean, they could just be nice and make things easy on us, but no, they have to pile all this work on us at the same time. Oh well, I suppose maybe we will learn something in the midst of so much stress.


Holly said...

Ha! That is definitely a fact of life, that they do that...

Every time it rains she just feels a lot better... said...

ashleigh! you're back! hooray!

Tangawizi said...

Ugh, homework! =( I need two lives. One for doing homework and one for everything else. Make that three lives, I need another one for music. >.<